
Showing posts from August, 2019
TYPOGRAPHY: EXERCISES 28.8.19 - 18.9.2019 (Week 1 - Week 4) Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576) Typography Exercise LECTURES 28.08.2019 (Week 1) Lecture - Introduction to Typography Honestly, when someone asks me what typography means, I would reply with, "the art of typo." After today's lecture though, I think I can give a better answer.  From what I understand, typography is a way for us to express how we feel through lettering. Typography had existed since a long time ago. Back in the old days, typography was done manually. People had to draw or paint the letters on billboards/signboards/posters/etc by hand. Now that technology has pretty much populate the world, typography is done digitally. Typography has a lot of words being used to describe it. Peasants  Commoners refer to it as 'fonts'. It's not accurate, though. Font, typeface, and type family are three different things in typography. I'll be honest, I kind of drift off during th