This is where I die for the nth time

30.08.2019 (Week 1)
So we've got the inside of Hearst Mansion, and a picture of Shazam. We have to edit him into the Hearst Mansion image and make it look like he's naturally there. 

(Hearst Mansion)


Exercise 01 - Shazam visited Hearst Mansion because he can

Hooooly sheet I had so much trouble doing this. Fist, because I couldn't even find the Photoshop software when I first used the uni's computer. So while I was busy looking for the damn software, my lecturer was already explaining how to photoshop stuff. When I finally found the software (with the help of my lecturer), I had no idea where to start, because I missed the explanation at the beginning. 
So what did I do? Ask my lecturer to repeat? Hahahahahah, no. I just clicked whatever the hell I think was right and tried my best to make my screen to look like my lecturer's. I thought it worked at first, cuz it didn't look that different from my lecturer's screen, but when my lecturer came to see how I was doing, he found out that what I did was completely different from what he showed in front of class. 
"Wah, you're so scary," he said, worried of how I managed to fck up so bad even though he showed how to use Photoshop step by step in front of class. Lecturer ended up having to do the whole thing for me :') So yeah, what you see above is not my work. 

Next, we have to put ourselves into the image. Most people went outside to take a picture of themselves but I decided to use an existing picture of me from 2016. 

(I'm not putting a picture of me here so just look at the finished product)

- Insert thyself into Hearst Mansion

Right, so this time I did this myself. To be honest, it wasn't that hard. Yeah, I did have some trouble (mostly cuz I'm not used to using a Mac. I ficken hate Mac omaigod) but nothing major. I managed to do this, after all. 

06.09.2019 (Week 2)
Today, we did pretty much the same thing as last week, only with three images, and new techniques to learn. We were given a picture of an old house, a nighttime scenery with a big moon, and an image of a ghost bride. We have to merge all these images to make one completely new image. 

(Old house)

(Nighttime with big moon)

(Ghost bride)

Exercise 02 - Ghost bride in a haunted house

This time, I managed to do this without much trouble. Mainly because one of my lecturers already posted a tutorial video on how to do this. I watched it the day before coming to class, so I already had a basic understanding on what to do. The new technique that we learn today was how to use the blending mode. We also learned that we could manipulate the opacity of an image. 

For the next exercise, we were given four images; two of wooden houses, and two of scenery - one of a sunset, and the other of a clear sky. We were told to choose one house and one scenery, and merge those two images together. The purpose of this exercise is, I believe, to test our understanding on matching the colour of the copy-pasted image to the background's. 

(Old house)


- Insert a different background for the scenery

I obviously chose the easier choice. Not much challenge in this one. I finished it in like, what, three seconds? Hahahahaha. Jk, I'm pretty sure this doesn't look very good, I just didn't put that much effort in it. As long as I get it done, I really done care how it turned out. 

We've also received this extra exercise where we have to photoshop an image of a cat in a bag into whatever background we want. This isn't compulsory, but the best three would get an extra mark. I don't think iI'll even be able to do a good job - I'm not creative - but I tried it anyway. 

(Lost cat)

(A scene from Spirited Away)

Extra exercise - put the cat-in-a-bag anywhere ya want

This is so bad ahaHHAHAHAHAHHAH! As expected, no effort was put into this but eh, whatever I really don't expect to get the extra mark even if I tried hard.  

13.09.2019 (Week 3)
This week, we were given a black and white picture of Norman Lindsay and we were going to have to colour it. Again, I've watched the tutorial video my lecturer posted (I like to be prepared >:]). This exercise was completely different from the exercises from the two previous weeks. Since that's the case we learnt new techniques and tools to use in Photoshop, yay. 

(Black and white portrait of Lindsay Norman)

Exercise 03 - Coloring a black ad white portrait

This is so bad ahaHHAHAHAHAHHAH!(part.2) Why was he given red hair, red eyes, and blue-green lips? Why not. Can you see how much effort I put into this? No? Cuz I didn't. 

We had to do the same thing using a different portrait of our choice. I chose a picture of a woman whom I think is a model(?? idk she look pretty she should be a model if she isn't already).

(A black and white image of a woman)

- This time a beautiful woman ;)

She's pretty, so I put a bit more effort into this. I don't wanna do her dirty.  

20.09.2019 (Week 4)
There's no class today, but we still had to complete this exercise, so these are done on my sad personal laptop. That said, today we shall transform a normal human being into an abomination. We're going to use the same portrait as last week, but instead of colouring it, we'll add a different texture to his skin. What kind of texture, you ask? Why, the texture of a reptile's skin, of course! He's going to be Lizardman!! 
(Poor old man can't catch a break #saveNormanLindsayfromthisdisrespect)

(Reptile skin)

Exercise 04 - Displacement

Look at him. He's so done.  
"I was an artist, etcher, sculptor, writer, editorial cartoonist, scale modeller, and an accomplished amateur boxer, and this is how you do me? If I was still alive, I'd punch you in the fcking face." - Lindsay, in his grave, probably. #saveNormanLindsayfromthisdisrespect

Next, we basically had to do the same thing, but with a flat flag, and the texture of silk. 


(Silk texture)

- Adding texture to a flag

Hahah look at this mess. My laptop couldn't handle the Photoshop software so I had to do both this and LizardLindsay exercise quickly before my laptop hangs, and this was the result.

After that, we were told to create a hybrid animal. Basically, combine two or more animals into one. I did the simplest thing; take an animal, and put other animal's texture on the first animal's body, because like I said, my laptop can't handle Photoshop (weak btch) so I had to finish this quickly. 

(Pure pony)

(Leopard print)

- Hybrid animal (Pony + Leopard)

I picked a white pony and slapped on leopard print on it's body because ponies can be fabulous too. 

Week 5 (27. 09.2019)
Today, we're recreating a popular piece using images we find on the internet. Said popular piece is The Castle of Pyrenees.

(The Castle of Pyrenees)

We didn't have to recreate it exactly as how we see it. We could recreate it however we want but it has to be a castle on a piece of floating land. We could have several castles on the rock, as long as there's a castle. The background doesn't matter, either - we could even put it up in space.
If it isn't obvious yet, I'm not creative at all. So decided to recreate the image as it is, minus the sea. I'll just put it up higher in the sky. These are the images I have selected to work with:

(A Disney castle)


(A cloud)

(A rock)

The result:

K, so this was actually inspired by Studio Ghibli's "Castle in the Sky." So it's a castle on a rock floating in the sky. It's pretty much the whole concept of Castle of Pyrenees, I know, why do I even bother explaining?. My lecturer mentioned this particular Ghibli film before we started the class, so I am here to take the opportunity to make that an excuse for my lack of creativity. 


So I tried to do the Castle of Pyrenees again, and these are the images I worked with.

(The castle)

(The sky)

And get this:


Le result:

AHAHHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHHAHAHH!!!!! I mean, it's technically a castle on a floating 'rock', and it looks like he's wearing a crown. Hahhhahhahahahahhhah im so funny. Man, I should've submitted this instead.


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