PROJECT 1 - Visual Journal 
3.10.2019 (Week 6)

"Hanging Out in front of StarBucks"

"Starbucks was like the only lot that was opened at the time since it was pretty early. I didn't order anything because I don't have the confidence to buy expensive coffee, so I just sat at a table with my classmate and started drawing."

"Claw Machines in Subang Empire"

"After like 2 hours of just sitting at Starbucks, I decided to finally get off my seat and look for other things to draw. And that's when I stumbled upon a row of pink claw machines. There were different contents in each of the machines, but the machines themselves have the same design. The token machine was placed in the middle of the row, and was designed to look like a telephone booth, which I found to be very cool (because I'm a Doctor Who fan). Can you imagine how ridiculous I must've looked while standing there drawing the machines?"

"A Walk in Subang Empire"
"It was my first time in Subang Empire. I've never even heard of it before, so I decided to walk around the mall. As expected, the directory was very important for this particular walk. After a while, I stopped at TeaLive and got myself some refreshments. In front of the lot, there was a clothes store that was pretty empty considering it was a weekday."


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