Sketchbook and In-Class Exercises

Week 1 (29.08.2019)
Sketchbook - Fishes

Week 2 (05.09.2019)
In class exercise _ boxes and perspective

Sketchbook - Bugs

Week 3 (12.09.2019)
In class exercise _ Perspectives

Sketchbook - Old trees

I do not acquire the satisfactory amount/types of grey pens/markers as of yet, so this is the sub par result I managed to produce.

Week 4 (19.09.2019)
Sketchbook - Fast food

I honestly couldn’t think of anything other than French fries, burgers and pizza when we were given the keyword “fast food.” Is instant noodle even a fast food??

Week 5 (26.09.2019)
Sketchbook - Kitchen stuff
"A Set of Cupboards"
"To be honest, I have no idea what's in most of these cupboards. The on eat the right end is to store Tupperware and such, the long cupboard just have a lot of stuff in it, and the one next to it stores spices. What is in the rest, I do not know. It's a mystery even to me who lives in this house with these cupboards because I never bothered to look what's inside."

"Air Fryer"
"This is an air fryer that my family and I use a lot. We literally cook anything frozen using it. If not to cook frozen food, we also use it to heat up any leftover food that is still edible."

"Mini Dining Table"
"This is where we eat while watching TV. It's not very big, and often don't fit my whole family, so it's first come, first serve."

"This refrigerator has everything!!! From fresh fruits to expired milks. Foods that are stored in this either disappear really fast or will stay in there for a very long time. The most ridiculous thing found in this is a Lego man."

"We own two toasters; one that toasts plain breads, the other toasts breads that already have fillings - like a sandwich. But we don't use the sandwich toaster anymore now."

"Extension Chord"
"Of course there'd be extension chords here. Where else are we going to plug in the various electrical tools we have? Also, it's millennial culture to have at least one phone charger plugged in."

"A New Bag o' Milo"
"My siblings and I are obsessed with Milo. One and a half bag of Milo powder would be gone within a week."

"Grocery Bag"
"In this house we do not support the use of plastic bags, so we own a few bags that we would bring with us when we go grocery shopping. This bag was just lying on the floor o our kitchen."

"Small Dish Rack"
"This is for glasses only. We have a different rack for plates/bowls. This rack literally would only fit cups/mugs/glasses. It's too small."

"Mini Rice Cooker"
"We used to have a big rice cooker, but we rarely use it anymore. It's probably broken, I don't know. Plus, it's not like there's a lot of people who eats rice in my family."

"Water Filter"
"Hot, warm, cold water; all available from one genius invention. We didn't always have this water filter, but when we got it, wow, our lives turned so much easier."

"Pot#1 Pot#2"
"These are two of the very few pots I have left in my house. No one knows where they go; they just disappear one by one. Soon, we'll have no pots :')

"Ah, the sink. The place my dumbass brothers leave their dirty dishes in. Unlike them, I would wash whatever I've used right after using them. But not my brothers, no. They just leave their dishes, expecting others to wash it for them. Well, of course someone else would do the dishes for them, because that someone wants to use the plates/utensils too! The sink usually always so full."

Week 6 (03.10.2019)
Sketchbook - Dragons
"Forgive me for I cannot draw majestic beasts. This is like the first time I've ever tried to draw a dragon (not really true but previous attempts couldn't be called a dragon because that would be an insult to these creatures). Why does my handwriting become smaller the more I write? And I'm not even writing in a straight line wth. Come on, Mai, get it together. These 'notes' have nothing to do with the drawing :'("

"I feel like the charm of my drawings come from the lack of details (◕ᴗ◕✿) My drawing looks better when they're simplified. Like, this drawing looks pretty okay, but if I were to add more/some details on it, I'm sure it would be ruined. Details aren't my thing, so I keep my drawings mostly simplified like this." 
"Should've done this whole dragon topic with "How To Train Your Dragon" dragons :') Animated dragons are so much easier to draw. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Come to think of it, I draw a lot of this dragon back when the first movie first released. Ah, whose were the times when I still loved drawing. Where has that time gone, I wonder."

"I'm so sorry. I tried, I really did. Sometimes things just don't turn out the way you want them to. I am cursed to never be able to draw cool things. The chances of me producing a nice drawing of a cool dragon is close to nonexistent. How did food go to kitchen to dragons, though? Could've prepared us better with lizards or something first."

"I'm getting a zero, aren't I?"
"The trial is finally over omg!!! Okay first off, I tried to copy an image from Google Images, and this image was pretty dark so I can barely see the details (not that I'm gonna draw them anyway lol) so that's why this drawing looks so empty. Why I decided to copy this image, then? Well, I make bad decisions."

Week 8 (17.10.2019)
In class exercise _ Drop Shadow


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