Future. 20, 50, 420 years later. How would it look like? Will we be living in utopia? Or will we be living in dystopia? 
Dystopia. The answer is dystopia. We're already messing the world up I legit think we won't last another 30 years. Me, personally, probably will cease to exist in 5 years time.

So for the final project, we have to create a city in the future. We can choose to make our society still intact, but we're also allowed to imagine everything in ruins, which is probably the more realistic outcome for our future.

But guess what? I'm doing utopian kind of future where the cities are all in the sky because I'm a sad weeb and I like Studio Ghibli's "Castle in the Sky" (not really but the concept is stuck in my head since the Castle of Pyrenees exercise) and since we're creating a fake future, I might as well be fake myself. Here are the images I used to create this fakeass future that doesn't even look real because I'm bad at photoshopping.

My sketch of my city that looks like my 2-year-old brother drew

The sky background

Cities I used to make up my city

I used the mountains as my islands. I just flip them upside down. 

A tree because people need oxygen. 
Why just one tree? Humanity is facing extinction. The cities had flown so high up in the sky that people are slowly dying. This is the last tree standing (in this continent at least) and eventually everyone WILL die. 

I said I was creating a utopian-like future, but I was lying.

Progress 1
I put everything in already but the background is too plain and empty. Also, composition is not good. It looks too crowded.

(I changed to this background instead.)

(Additional clouds because if the clouds are all behind the islands it wouldn't look faker than it already is)

Progress 2
Background is better and everything I wanna put in there is there. Because I literally copy pasted the islands from the previous background set and now I gotta match the colour again. 

Progress 3
This still looks fake as heck but hopefully this suffices because I don't wanna do this anymore my laptop can barely keep Adobe Photoshop open for long I keep having to redo this shit very quickly cuz damn software keeps crashing every 5 minutes and I never have time to save the progress because lil sht crashes sO QUICKLY I BARELY HAVE TIME TO REGISTER WTF HAPPENED.

Lect: Are you happy with this?
Me: Yes
Lect: Okay..


This is my final because I'm tiredt
So I just darken the island at the back to 'fix' the perspective problem because in Design Principle I learnt that the closer the object is the more apparent its colours are.
I'll be honest, I like my simple sketch more than the finished product

Animation link: Sky City Animation


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