28.08.2019 - 20.11.2019 (Week 1 - Week 13)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Final Compilation & Reflection




Fig 1.1 (Digitized lettering final work - 'I am: Dead' - JPEG)

Fig 1.2 (Lettering final work - 'I am: Dead' - PDF File)

Fig 1.3 (Final work animated gif - 'I am: Dead')

Type Expressions

Fig 1.4 (Type Expressions final work - JPEG)

Fig 1.5 (Type Expressions final work - PDF file)

Fig 1.6 (Type Expression animated gif - EMERGE)

Project 1 - Editorial Text

Fig 2.1 (Editorial Text final work - JPEG)

Fig 2.2 (Editorial Text final work - PDF File)

Project 2 - Font Design

Fig 3.1 (Font Design final work - MaiFont - JPEG)

Fig 3.2 (Generating MaiFont)

Fig 3.3 ("god is in the kerning" - MaiFont - JPEG)

Fig 3.4 ("god is in the kerning" - MaiFont - PDF File)

Final Project - Design-Society Manifesto

Fig 4.1 (Placard)

Fig 4.2 (Manifesto Poster final work - JPEG)

Fig 4.3 (Manifesto Poster final work - PDF File)

Fig 4.4 (Manifesto Poster final work framed)

Fig 4.5 (Manifesto Poster animated gif)


Typography is definitely NOT easy. There are times when you’d think your assignment would be a walk in the park because it sounds simple, but holy turd it never is.
Typography is like a new dimension. There’s so many new terms to learn and remember, new rules to follow, new techniques to familiarize ourselves to - now, whenever I say “font” to describe a typeface to a friend who did not take typography as a module, I feel like a peasant. Thanks a lot, Typography.

While it is hard, it’s doable. I’ve survived a whole semester, after all (but idk I might’ve failed). There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that I’m done with a typography assignment, because each one is hell, so being done with it is sweet, sweet relief. It’s not to say that none of it is fun - it is. The best part is seeing what others have done for their assignment. It’s amazing how people can come up with different ideas for the same thing, and sometimes come up with a similar one. The worst part is going back to your own work after looking at everybody else’s :’)
Truthfully I do enjoy learning typography. Learning new things is always fun, but putting things I've learnt into practice is, well, less fun. So really, there's nothing wrong with the module itself, it's just me :')


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