Information Design: Continuous Assessments


07.01.2020 - 20.02.2020 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Information Design
Continuous Assessments


08.01.2020 (Week 1)
FLIP 1 - Manuel Lima's 9 Directives Manifesto
1. Form follows function:
    - Prioritise the purpose when doing explanation to enable good understanding of certain matter
    - Kick off questions upon working on it
2. Interactive is key:
    - Always keep in mind to do exploration and learn trough findings/outputs that's already been explored
3. Cite your work:
    - List and reveal all the sources of data that had been done throughout the investigation
4. The power of narrative:
    - Makes the audience engaged in the topic as it relates with them
    - More memorable and understandable
5. Do not glorify aesthetics:
    - Quality of the visuals should not be the main subject
    - Visuals should not overpower the information intended
    - The aesthetic elements should aid the content
6. Look for relevancy:
    - Information that is relevant/ connected to the subject matter
7. Embrace time:
    - Take advantage of the time to properly deliver the information
8. Aspire for knowledge:
    - Clear information
    - Able to make use of informations that are given
9. Avoid gratuitous visualisation:
    - Visuals are used to help and understand certain informations better/make people more engaged
    - If used excessively it can be distracting

15. 01.2020 (Week 2)
FLIP 2 - Saul Wurman's LATCH

1. Location:
    - Organizing information based on a particular place or position.
    - Comparison can be made by evaluating information that comes from different locations.
2. Alphabetical:
    - Is probably the easiest way to group details.
    - When the amount of data is large, it's one of the best ways to organize information.
3. Time:
    - Easy to understand.
    - Best way of documentation of information especially history.
    - Allows for observation and conclusions to be drawn easily.
4. Category:
    - Easier for the client to locate what they need or want.
    - Works well with the Alphabetical system.
    - A class or division of people or things as having particular shared characteristics.
5. Hierarchy:
    - Arrangement of data or information either from most important to least important or vice versa.

22.01.2020 (Week 3)
FLIP 3 - Miller's Law of Memory (CHUNKING)

Average human brains are capable of remembering only up to 5-7 pieces of informations (9, if you're over-capable). CHUNKING is a method to remembering informations better.
It takes one piece of large information and breaks it up into chunks so our brains has an easier time processing it and storing it.
The easiest example would be telephone numbers. There are dashes (-) and spacing between some numbers to make bit easier for us to remember it, because instead of remembering 10 numbers at once, you're only remembering three numbers, three numbers, and four numbers.

18.02.2020 (Week 7)
FLIP 4&5 - Different Types of Infographics & Online Tools

Types of Infographic:
1. Statistical Infographic
    - To visualize survey data
    - Puts focus on the data
2. Informational Infographic
    - To present an overview of a topic
    - To communicate a new/specialized concept
3. Timeline Infographic
    - Depiction of events or actions in a chronological order
    - Demonstration of a product's development
    - To illustrate or show a historical trend or the evolution of an idea
4. Process Infographic
    - Providing summary/overview of steps in a process
    - Simplifying and clarifying each step
5. Geographical Infographic
    - Visualization of data relating to location
    - Display of demographic data or large quantity of datas
6. Comparison Infographic
    - To show comparison
    - Visually compare and contrast
    - Reveal similarities, differences and relative advanatges
7. Hierarchical Infographic
    - Organizing information from greatest to least
    - Bottom=important, Top=least important
8. List Infographic
    - Making a list of information
9. Resume Infographic
    - Visual document of self

(Infographic redesign using 'free' online tool)


07.01.2020 - 08.01.2020 (Week 1)
Exercise 1 - Quantify and Visualise Data

We were given a cluster of buttons (some people got legos) of the same  colour (one person one colour). I chose black.
We were then told to seperate the buttons according to the traits they possess (their sizes, how many holes they have, etc)
My cluster only consists of 36 buttons, which wasn't a lot, and most of them are the same type of buttons, so it was quite easy for me to separate them. And all of them have 4 holes, so less work for me yeet. 

Fig 1.1 (A set of black buttons divided into groups of different traits)

I've divided my buttons into six groups
- Large, shiny
- Large, not shiny
- Medium
- Small, darker coloured
- Small, lighter coloured
- Extra small 

Fig 1.2 (Groups are labelled)

Fig 1.3 (Progress of  infographic sheet)

Lect said it looks alright, but I should take into consideration the arrangement of each grouping because right now there's like this clashing going on with the linings of Large (Not shiny) and the two groups of Smalls.

Fig 1.4 (Final work of infographic sheet of buttons)

14.01.2020 - 15.01.202 (Week 2)
Exercise 2 - LATCH in Data Cluster

This exercise requires us to pick one generation from the ever-so-popular Pokemon series, choose 4 pokemons from said generation, and make an infographic of the pokemons, using the LATCH theory.
I have very little knowledge of Pokemons, especially the new ones, so I relied on Google to tell me things I need to know to do this exercise.
I've chosen the Pokemon Sun and Moon, which I think is the 7th generation? (I'm trusting you, Google). and the pokemons I've chosen are Grubbin (+its evolutions), Litten (+its evolutions), Pikepek (+its evolutions), and Popplio (+its evolutions). From what I gathered from Google, these pokemons are basically present in the forest (except Popplio which can be found around water).

Fig 2.1 (Grubbin > Charjabug > Vikvolt)

Fig 2.2 (Litten > Torracat > Incineroar)

Fig 2.3 (Pikipek > Trumbeak > Toucannon)

Fig 2.4 (Popplio > Brionne > Primarina)

Since most of these Pokémons can be found in a forest, I have drawn a piece of land with trees for the land Pokémons and a lake on the other side to put the water type Pokémon. I placed the Pokémons in boxes that would point to where they can be found in the forest and have arranged the Pokémons in alphabetical order according to their first form (before any kind of evolution takes place).

Fig 2.5 (Infographic sketch)

Fig 2.6 (Infographic progress - the land)

Fig 2.7 (Infographic progress - Pokémons)

Fig 2.8 (Final work of Pokémon infographic sheet)

21.02.2020 - 29.01.2020 (Week 3 - Week 4)
Project 1&2 - Recipe Poster

We have to come up with a recipe and make a poster out of it using the CHUNKING method. I wan do spaghet :)

But instead of spaghetti bolognese, I decided to do Seafood Aglio Oglio instead. Because I wouldnt have to bother with the sauce this way. You basically just throw in everything you want in it. 

Fig 3.1 (Poster sketch)

Fig 3.2 (Poster progress 1)

Fig 3.3 (Poster progress 2)

Fig 3.4 (Recipe Poster - Final Work)

It is not at all what Miss Anis was expecting from us. This is so bad I can confidently that I'm gonna get hella bad marks for this piece. My sketch looks so much better than the finished work hahah. My sketches are always better looking than the finished product :')

Fig 3.5 (Animation progress)

Fig 3.6 (Gif making)

Right. So I used After Effects first to do the necessary animation on the poster (I wasn't about to make a whole ass animation video for this project lol nah. I did both the illustration and animation a week before submission so you can guess how much time I have to complete this). I wasn't sure whether or not After Effects can export works into a GIF file, so I just exported the AE file into PS file, then stacked the whole 200+ frames in order to make a looping GIF. 

Fig 3.7 (Pasta Recipe - GIF)

Right, so apparently, deadline was extended and I have more time now. Initially I thought, "screw this, I'm not re-doing this crap."
But the first design really hurts my eyes. So I fixed it up a bit.

Fig 4.1 (Pasta recipe progress - slight layout [and colour] change)

Fig 4.2 (Pasta recipe progress)

Fig 4.3 (Pasta Recipe Poster - the real Final Work)

It's still not the best, but better than the last one :')

Fig 4.4 (Animation progress 1)

Fig 4.5 (Animation progress 2)

Fig 4.6 (Animation progress 3)

Fig 4.7 (Animation progress 4)

Fig 4.8 (Animation progress 5)

Fig 4.9 (Animation progress 6)

Fig 4.10 (Recipe Video)

I did it :D


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