Information Design: Summative Assessment


07.01.2020 - 20.02.2020 (Week 1 - Week 2)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Information Design
Summative Assessment


07. 01.2020 (Week 1)Topic Given: Natural Disaster

  • Type of natural disaster: Hailstorm (Because it doesn't happen often)
  • 5 WH questions:
    What causes the hailstorms?
    Where it happens?
    Why does it occur?
    When does it happen?
    How does it happen?
  • Countries affected: North American countries
  • Years chosen: Anytime it occurs
  • Impacts of the natural disaster:
    - Property damage
    - Death
    - Destroyed crops
    - Danger of using transportation
Illustrations to be done:
- People
- Background elements (buildings, houses, cars, etc)
- World map
- Hailstorm (hailstones)
- Statistics

09.01.2020 (Week 1)
Narrative (storyline)

Beginning: How hailstorms happen
Middle: - Countries where hailstorms have happened
              - Most common countries where hailstorms usually happen
              - Fun facts about hailstorms
              - Effects of hailstorms
Ending: Safety measures

Scene 1:
(A person walks into frame, minding his own business, when suddenly a hailstone hits him in the head. He pulls out an umbrella to protect himself from the hail. The title "Hailstorm" appears)
Hailstorms. What is it? Well, it's when the sky falls.
(Frame pans upwards to a cloud. A thermometer indicating that the temperature is dropping appears. A small ice falls from the cloud and transitions into the stages of a hailstone's formation)
Just kidding. It's when the temperature drops below freezing point and basically rains ice. Small ice falls, collects water as it falls, gets bigger as the water collected freezes around it, and voila! Hail.

Scene 2:
So where do hailstorms usually happen?(The world map appears and highlights the North American countries, where hailstorms usually occurs)
Mostly North American countries during spring time. The freezing levels are much lower than it is in the summer.
BUT do you know that it happens during summer too, when the biggest hailstone was discovered in Vivian, South Dakota? It was bigger than a baseball. On a side note, the heaviest hailstone ever recorded weighed 1kg, found in Gopalanj District, Bangladesh.

(The world map blurs out and becomes a background visual as a hailstone and a baseball appears as the main focus, comparing their sizes. Then a weighing scale appears and shows the weight of the hailstone, indicating that it weighs 1kg. At the same time as this, Bangladesh is highlighted on the world map)
Scene 3:
(A car drove through a city where a hailstorms is taking place. There are destroyed buildings around and a hailstone hit the car, making it steer towards a building, crashing)
What are the effects of hailstorms towards the world, you ask? Well, there's property damage, where everything is destroyed. There's also the danger of using transportation. And of course, the inevitable death. 
Scene 4:
What do we do to stay safe, then? 
(Frame pans to the character from the beginning, and transitions him into his home, securely tucked in his blanket as chaos ensued outside)
Be a hermit. Never go out. It's dangerous. You'll die. You don't need human contact, Internet is your best friend. But for real, when caught in the midst of a hailstorm, find the nearest place of shelter, preferably places with roofs (Obviously). But really, it's safer to just stay indoors. During the times it has occurred, check the weather forecast too, just to be sure. 
(Character runs towards a bus stop for shelter, but then kept running towards his home. He turns on the television and put on the weather forecast)
And remember kids, to be safe and spread what you've leaned today.

14.02.2020 (Week 2)

Fig 1.1 (Moodboard PDF File)

Thing to be fixed:
1. Type face - I told them Comic Sans is a no no, but do they listen? No.
2. Colour scheme -  It's for children, and children would be fore attracted to this is the colours are more prominent

Fig 1.2 (Moodboard PDF File - final)

21.01.2020 (Week 3)

Fig 2.1 (Storyboard pg 1)

Fig 2.2 (Storyboard pg 2)

23.01.2020 (Week 3)

We were supposed to have an animatics (as a rough sketch of how the video would look like) ready by next Thursday, and the animatic should be made using the sketches from our storyboard. But there's barely anything on the storyboard, so I took it upon myself to draw some stuff.

Fig 2.3 (Animatic thumbnails)

28.01.2020 (Week 4)

I sent the animatics illustrations to a group member, and he compiled it into a video. He was also the one in charge of the voice over.

Fig 2.4 (Animatic)

There were a few things we had to fix in the animatics but other than that, we were ok to move on.

Fig 2.5 (Animatic - my version)
[Volume up for Fig 2.5 cuz my voice is hella slow.]

30.01.2020 (Week 4)

Me and another group member were in charge of the illustrations and I was tasked to illustrate scene 1-3.
Fig 3.1 (Scene 1)

Fig 3.2 (Scene 2)

Fig 3.3 (Scene 2 - overall)

Fig 3.4 (Scene 4)

Character design would be different as my character illustration looks meh. The character design would be handled by my groupmate. And so, my work is done.

Fig 3.5 (Animation video - final work)

YouTube link: 


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