Advanced Typography: Final Project


02.06.2020 - 07.07.2020 (Week 8 - Week 13)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Advanced Typography
Final Project


16.06.2020 (Week 10)
Final Project

First Idea: Anime Ace typeface, but lowercase

Fig 1.1 (Anime Ace typeface)

Second idea: Jawi typeface

Fig 1.2 (Jawi letters)

Fig 1.3 (Jawi inspired typeface 1)

Fig 1.4 (Jawi inspired typeface 2)

Third idea: My handwriting. There's Lucida Handwriting, so why not Mai Handwriting ::::::

Fig 1.5 (My handwriting 1)

Fig 1.6 (My handwriting 2)

SO I'm going with the handwriting idea because frankly, that required the least thinking and I don't have to worry about originality because really, it's my handwriting. I can just trace it in Illustrator and I'm done lol. Also, I can use it for my comics.

Fig 1.7 (Alphabets of my handwriting - rough sketch)

Fig 1.8 (Comic with /rough/ handwriting typeface - 1)
Fig 1.9 (Comic with /rough/ handwriting typeface - 2)

Couldn't help myself lol. Someone can just mention "comic" and I'd make one in a heartbeat.
And now, onto the actual font design.

Fig 2.1 (Traced and outlined handwriting)

Fig 2.2 (Refinement process)

Shiz ain't working so I decided to scrap that and take a different approach. I made a new sketch of my handwriting but with the strokes and weight adjusted, and decided to refine that instead. 

Fig 2.3 (New sketch)

Fig 2.4 (Letter structures)

Fig 2.5 (The letters)

Fig 2.6 (Slightly adjusted letterforms)

Fig 2.7 (Letterform set + Punctuation)

Fig 2.8 (Lowercase construction)

After making the lowercase, I realize that it looks way neater. Even my lecturers agree, so I decided to change the uppercase to look more like the lowercase. 

Fig 2.9 (Letterform set + Numbers + Punctuation)

Not gonn lie, I actually am proud of this. And me being proud of my work is like, hella rare. After showing this to my lecturer, he suggested I add some more weight to the fonts. 

Fig 2.10 (Regular Font set - Final)

I added some other punctuation that I use a lot in my comics and I made a bold family too because I feel like I use that family a lot in my comics too. 

Fig 2.11 (Bold Font set - Final)

Fig 3.1 (Kerning process)


Fig 4.1 (Mai Handwriting Regular)

Fig 4.2 (Mai Handwriting Bold)
Fig 4.3 (Comic 1)

Fig 4.4 (Comic 2)

Fig 4.5 (Comic 3)

Hello, and welcome to my art blog hahahhahah.

Fig 4.6 (Mai Handwriting - PDF File)

Fig 4.7 (Collateral - Comics - PDF File)


23.06.2020 (Week 11)
General feedback:
  • Ideas must be shown this week because this project is hard and will take up time, so better confirm the idea quickly. 
  • Typefaces that are designed shouldn't be overly decorative.
Specific feedback:
  • I can try to develop a typeface specifically for manga/comics
  • Using my handwriting as the typeface for my own comic is justifiable :)
  • I can make a comic and use the handwriting typeface for the dialogue for the collateral later
  • I should make the letters readable - just do uppercase
  • Do the letters, numbers, and some punctuation
  • I can also create some sound effect glyphs 
30.06.2020 (Week 12)
General feedback:
  • Make sure to update feedbacks for final project
Specific feedback:
  • I don't have much done, but from the one letter I've refined, lect said seemed aight :')
07.07.2020 (Week 13)
General feedback:
  • Update dem blogs
  • Remove the 'Lecture' sections in posts where lectures don't happen anymore
  • When doing the final post, explain everything in great detail, as if the viewers are newborn babies trying to learn
Specific feedback:
  • Adjust the weight on some letters
  • Do the numbers
  • Also do the lowercase if possible
14.07.2020 (Week 14)
General feedback:
  • Blog stuff
Specific feedback:
  • Make the uppercase look more like the lowercase


Experience: Bruh I actually like doing this project. I enjoy it waaaaaay better than project 2. Man, screw Project 2.

Observation: I feel like most of us (the students) have less trouble with this project overall. We all seem to have a good idea on what we want to produce. Unlike Project 2 - God, that was unbearable.

Findings: I find that designing a font is much easier than interplaying words with images, especially when the font you're designing is based on your own handwriting.


rip bye


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