Advanced Typography: Project 1


05.05.2020 - 02.06.2020 (Week 4 - Week 8)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Advanced Typography
Project 1


12.05.2020 (Week 5)
Key Artwork

For the first project, we are tasked to design a key artwork for the article that we previously worked on for the typographic system exercise. This project acquires us to design a logo(?) that reflects the title of the event we chose.
Mine is "All Ripped Up: Punk Influence on Design" so I imagine it to be grafitti-like most of all.

Fig 1.1 (warm-up)

Fig 1.2 (more umph??? in the typeface)

Fig 1.3 (i kinda like this one)

Fig 1.4 (bg colour so it's not hella empty)

Fig 1.5 (sketch for next design)

Fig 1.6 (new design)

FIg 1.7 (sketch for yet another design)

Fig 1.8 (yet another design)

Fig 1.9 (amendment for "yet another design")

Fig 1.10 (failed attempt to better "yet another design")


Fig 1.11 (final amendment)

Fig 1.12 (Final work PDF File)


19.05.2020 (Week 6)
General feedback:
  • The artwork has to look like a logo to some degree
  • Use appropriate typeface and maybe embed visuals that complements the work
  • Be mindful of spaces, the artwork has to look like a unit
  • Work with black n white
  • Produce more than one work/idea
  • In this particular project, the typography IS the visual
  • Sketch first, then arrange the elements, identify the ideas, then develop them
Specific feedback:
  • Look up anarchy
  • They like the spikes on the 'P' :)
  • Change the typeface
  • Punk is more like cut-up things/collage-y
  • Use elements related to punk
  • Punk ain't just about music

02.06.2020 (Week 8)
General feedback:
  • Test out key artworks on other people to confirm readability
Specific feedback:
  • Use a real picture of a pin
  • Place "All Ripped Up" normally
  • Don't put background
  • Make the pins look more real
  • The paper tear can be better
  • If shit still don't work kill yourself


Experience: Baaaaaaaaad experience. Dunno how I'm gonna do the collateral

Observation: Actually pretty much everyone was struggling with this project

Findings: This particular project, and the one coming after this, would be the main reason of my bad result if I were to fail this subject


is this a joke haha


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