Design Exploration


(Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri
Design Exploration

Project 1 

Renewal of life · Return: Contemplate human beings' relationship with all things

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Final Outcome

Foldable phone wallpaper

Phone wallpaper

Animation video

"This artwork shows animals of sorts flowing out of Earth that is held by a person, symbolizing the relationship we, as people, share with other walks of life on this planet and how our actions can affect their livelihood. Buildings in the background are depicted to be in the dark, allowing the stars to shine in their natural bright glow."

Project 2

Design Elaboration
I plan to make a satirical ad for a "nature retreat" resort or something where the facility is built on sacrifices of other living things. 

storyboard 1

storyboard 2

storyboard 3

Tranq Haven ad

        "Humans, animals, and plants — we all share the same earth. Every single life, no matter how small or trivial, exists for a reason. We are all living beings in need of one another to survive. We live, we kill, we die — circle of life. Some parts of nature are unkind, but that is what makes it balanced, because as it is cruel, it is also beautiful. 
        "But then came technology, industries, money, power. Humans started to feel entitled to everything earth has to offer, because they are clever and capable, but their intelligence and capabilities are used to do the stupidest things. What used to be a mutualistic relationship among the living beings became parasitic. They say humans were created in the image of God, so humans started playing God. Humans became inhumane
        "We destroy nature to create comfort and convenience for ourselves, but we get bored of it. We get sick of it. We get tired of the same industrial life and we crave for something different — something authentic, something natural. And so we further spread this disease we have become and force ourselves into the habitats of other living things and we disrupt. We disrupt their space, their homes, their lives. We hurt them to heal ourselves. 
        "We pretend to care; pretend to make up for the loss of lives that aren’t human by putting up laws and establishing forest reserves, animal shelters, and protection for endangered species. And when the facade crumbles and the toll starts making itself apparent, we complain and whine about the world coming to an end knowing full-well that we are the very reason for it. And we try to fix it, except the effort is never enough, because to truly mend it, we’ll have to give, and giving is difficult when taking is so much easier. 
        "So we continue to take, to steal, to destroy everything around us and when the comfort and convenience stop being a comfort and convenience, we will only have ourselves to blame. Humans to other living beings are like a plague; we are the bane of their existence." 


I feel this project would've been a fun one if only it wasn't for an assignment. I get ideas and inspirations that I want to execute, but ultimately backed out from, because I get turned off by the fact that I wouldn't be able to properly realize it with the time limit and will end up being marked for a mediocre work. This results in legendary procrastination and a worse end product than what I had in mind. This also made me realize that I can never have a real job with deadlines because my time management is out in space and I will only do more damage than good. 


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