Advanced Typography: Project 2


05.05.2020 - 02.06.2020 (Week 4 - Week 8)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Advanced Typography
Project 2


02.06.2020 (Week 8)


Fig 1.1 (First attempt)

Man, Lecturers really didn't like this one. The disgust in their voices when they looked at it was so obvious.

Fig 1.2 (Second attempt)


Fig 1.3 (Final attempt)

Fig 1.4 (Poster animation)

Other collatreals:

Fig 2.1 (Mask)

Fig 2.2 (Mug)

Fig 2.3 (T-shirt)

Fig 2.4 (Tote bag)

Fig 2.5 (Overlay)

Fig 3.1 (Collaterals_PDF file)


9.06.2020 (Week 9)
General feedback:
  • Don't move on to the next part of the task if the key artwork isn't done
  • Don't change the key artwork (placement, composition, etc)
  • Understand what was learnt in previous tasks and apply them into this one
Specific feedback:
  • Fontsize is too big
  • Too much of the collage element, remove some of the paper cuts
  • Choice of typeface isn't suitable
  • Fix the line-spacing
  • Look back at the typographic system
  • 3D pins look kinda off
16.06.2020 (Week 10)
General feedback:
  • Look at the nature of the artwork
  • Increase the pointsize for screen readability
  • If doing pin badges as one of the collaterals, have at least 4 designs
  • Just use light gray/neutral shade for the background of the other collaterals
Specific feedback:
  • I didn't show my work hAHAH no feedback for me lol


Experience: I'm not even going to sugarcoat it - I hate this project so much. This is the worst experience of any assignments I've had so far. The fact that I missed a session to show my work to the lecturers just shows how done I am with this shiz. I really don't care anymore.

Observation: Everyone else did so well despite having as much trouble as I did for the first project. I'm just not cut out for this business, man.

Findings: Typography is hella hard, and if I were to encounter this again in the future, I'll literally stab my eyes with a pair of scissors.


my brain gone lol can't read no more


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