Advanced Typography: Exercise


14.04.2020 - 05.05.2020 (Week 1 - Week 4)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Advanced Typography


14.04.2020 (Week 1)
Introduction to the Module, Typography System

So there's 8 types of typography systems. Typography systems are basically like the way you design a layout for some editorial works (works consisting of body of texts).
1. Axial - All elements are organized either to the left or right of a single axis.
2. Radial - All elements extend from a point of focus.
3. Dilatational - All elements expand from a central point in a circular fashion.
4. Random - Elements appear to have no specific pattern or relationship.
5. Grid - A system of vertical and horizontal divisions.
6. Modular - A series of non-objective elements that are constructed as standardized units.
7. Transitional - An informal system of layered banding.
8. Bilateral - All texts are arranged symmetrically on a single axis.

21.04.2020 (Week 2)
Typographic Composition
1. Rule of thirds
- This is when you position your main focus not in the middle of your composition, but a little bit to the side. But it's rarely used when it comes to typographic layouts.
2. Typographic systems
- The grid system used to be the most popular, but then some people questions it's rigidness, and so, the other systems were born.
3. Environmental grid
- It is based on exploration of existing structures. Curved and straight lines are extracted from these structures and are organized into a mixture of texture and visual stimuli. It provides context to the design that was developed.
4. Form and movement
- It's based on the Grid System, but is further explored.

28.04.2020 (Week 3)
Typographic Perception and Organization

1. Form and Content
  a. Form Relate to Typography
      - Expressive typography is an art form
      - The type becomes an image
      - Letters aren't just abstract notions, they are physical shapes
  b. Form & Content
      - Form without content = a mess, bunch of words with no clear message
      - Content without form = dull piece of content
  c. Form Follows Function
      > Descriptive: Beauty results from purity of function
      > Perceptive: Aesthetic considerations in design should be secondary to functional considerations
      - Focuses on the productivity instead of beauty
      -"Ornament is a crime"
      -"Less is more"

  d. Function Follows Form
      -"Less is bore"
      - Storytelling comes first
      - Explores the potential design possibility
      - Function may change
2. Gestalt Psychology & Layout
  a. Law pf Perceptual Organization
      - Similarity
      - Continuation
      - Closure
      - Proximity
      - Figure/Ground
      - Symmetry and Order
   b. Layout
      - Spacing
      - Grids
      - Balance
      - Bullets & Number lists
      - Figure, Tables & Illustrations
3. Creating Visual Hierarchy
      - Size
      - Colour & Contrast
      - Typographic Hierarchy
      - Typeface
      - Spacing
      - Composition

05.05.2020 (Week 4)
Context & Creativity

Man we learned history.

12.05.2020 (Week 5)


14.04.2020 (Week 1)
Exercise 1 - Typography System

We were given the task to design some layouts according to the 8 types of typography systems; Axial, Radial, Dilatational, Random, Grid, Modular, Transitional, and Bilateral.
The 8 systems are to be explored using this information:
The Design School
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November 24, 2020
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd, 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM

November 25, 2020
Muthu Neduraman, 9AM-10AM
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM
Fahmi Fadzil, 11AM-12PM

Lecture Theater 12
We have to design TWO layouts for each systems.

Fig 1.1 (Axial process)

Fig 1.2 (Axial process)

Fig 1.3 (1st Radial process)

Fig 1.4 (1st Radial process)

Fig 1.5 (2nd Radial process)

Fig 1.6 (2nd Radial process)

Fig 1.7 (1st Dilatational process)

Fig 1.8 (1st Dilatational process)

Fig 1.9 (2nd Dilatational process)

Fig 1.10 (Dilatational process)

Fig 1.11 (1st Random)

Fig 1.12 (Random process)

Fig 1.13 (1st Grid process)

Fig 1.14 (1st Grid process)

Fig 1.15 (2nd Grid process)

Fig 1.16 (Grid process)

Fig 1.17 (Grid textboxes)

Fig 1.18 (1st Transitional process)

Fig 1.19 (2nd Transitional process)

Fig 1.20 (1st Modular process)

Fig 1.21 (1st Modular textboxes)

Fig 1.22 (2nd Modular process)

Fig 1.23 (2nd Modular textboxes)

Fig 1.24 (Bilateral process)

Fig 2.1 (Axial)

Fig 2.2 (Radial - okay)

Fig 2.3 (Dilatational - okay)

Fig 2.4 (Random - okay)

Fig 2.5 (Grid - needs work)

Fig 2.6 (Transitional - okay)

Fig 2.7 (Modular - needs work)

Fig 2.8 (Bilateral - needs work)

Fig 2.9 (Grid - hopefully ok)

Fig 2.10 (Modular - hopefully ok)

Fig 2.11 (Bilateral - hopefully ok)

Fig 2.13 (Final Work_PDF file)

21.04.2020 (Week 2)
Exercise 2.1 - Type & Play
Our for this exercise we were told to pick an image of either man-made objects or nature. We would then extract letters from the image we used and then refine the letterforms so they look like usable typefaces, but still relating to their origin.

Fig 3.1 (A swing chair)

Fig 3.2 (The part I used to extract letterforms from)

Fig 3.3 (Zoomed in image)

Fig 3.4 (Letterforms found)

Fig 3.5 (Assembly of letterforms found - N, A, I, Y, T)

Fig 3.6 (Refining letterform process)

Fig 3.7 (Refinement process)

Fig 3.8 (Refined letterforms)

Fig 3.9 (Further refinement)

Fig 3.10 (Refinement sequence)

Fig 3.11 (Final work)

Fig 3.12 (Final work_PDF file)

28.04.2020 (Week 3)
Exercise 2.2 - Type & Image
For this exercise, we are required to obtain an image - any kind of image - and incorporate words/phrases that suits the image into the image to enhance it. Like making a movie poster, to put it simply.

Fig 4.1 (Image used - a ballet dancer)

Fig 4.2  (Words insert)

Fig 4.3 (Process)

Fig 4.4 (Process)

Fig 4.5 (Process)

Fig 4.6 (1st attempt)

Fig 4.7 (Refining)

Fig 4.8 (Black Swan Ballet Dancer)

Fig 4.9 (progress)

Fig 4.10 (Final Work)

Fig 4.11 (Final Work_PDF File)


Fig 5.1 (Axial)

Fig 5.2 (Radial)

Fig 5.3 (Dilatationaal)

Fig 5.4 (Random)

Fig 5.5 (Grid)

Fig 5.6 (Modular)

Fig 5.7 (Transitional)

Fig 5.8 (Bilateral)

Fig 5.9 (Typographic System_PDF file)

Fig 5.10 (Letterform)

Fig 5.11 (Letterform_PDF file)

Fig 5.12 (Final)

Fig 5.13 (Final_PDF File)


21.04.2020 (Week 2)
General feedback:
  • Make a habit of updating e-portfolios by every midnight.
  • Downsize capital letters/numbers by 0.5pts so it doesn't stand out. 
  • Typographic work should look good within the given space. 
  • Texts in the Grid System has to be aligned to the columns/rows. Also, central alignment isn't encouraged in Grid System.
Specific feedback:
  • I need to work on my Grid System more. 
  • My Modular System layout needs to be arranged better
  • I need to fix the point size for the typefaces in my Bilateral System so they don't look like a big chunk of text.
28.04.2020 (Week 3)
General feedback:
  • Maintain some level of the original element of the image on the refined letterforms.
  • Maintain consistency within the strokes of the letterforms.
Specific feedback:
  • I arrive at the 'finished' product too quickly.
  • The refinement process can be more.
  • I can explore a bit more as I go through the refinement process again.
05.05.2020 (Week 4)
General feedback:
  • Interplay with the image
  • Words should reflect the background to some degree
  • Mimic part of the element in the image
Specific feedback:
  • Erase some parts of the letters
  • Can use the law of closure for some parts of the letters too


Experience: I thought it would be fun, but assignments have yet again proved itself to be able to make everything unenjoyable. But tbh it was an okay experience.

Observation: The first part of this exercise was actually more enjoyable than the second one. Can you see the effort put into the second one? No? Cuz there's none.

Findings: I find myself going backwards instead of forward in terms of designing. "It's evolving, just backwards" - Pewdiepie, Oct 25, 2019


Ah yes. The section where I'll lose marks. 


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