Video & Sound Production Exercise


17.04.2020 - 17.06.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Video and Sound Production

24.04.2020 (Week 2)

Video editing exercise 1: Mints Ad

Fig 1.1 (Mints Ad)

Plot segmentation exercise:
Video: Rebooted
  1. Workshop:
    a. Old man crafts a skeleton model
    b. Old man takes pictures of skeleton model in different positions
    c. Fast-forwarded into a stop-motion making sequence
    d. Zooms in into screen
  2. Valley:
    a. Romanian soldier picks up a glowing stone
    b. Soldier is ambushed by Skeleton
    c. Soldier and Skeleton fights
    d. Zooms out of cinema screen
  3. Credit scene:
    a. Pans out of the cinema
    b. Transition from old cinema to present, worn down cinema
    c. Title appears
  4. Audition room:
    a. Skeleton walks into "Joel Auditions" waiting area awkwardly
    b. Skeleton is sent to the "Monster Auditions" waiting area
    c. Another monster walks in and sits a few seats away from Skeleton
    d. Skeleton walks into audition room
    e. Skeleton cited his line
    f. Judges discussed: Skeleton didn't pass
    g. Skeleton walks out of the audition room disappointedly
  5. Skeleton's home:
    a. Skeleton pours himself a drink
    b. Skeleton picks up and action figure of himself, reminiscing about the past
    c. Skeleton put on the VHS tape of his first movie
  6. Montage: Skeleton going to auditions everyday and failing
    a. Skeleton starts to get pissed
  7. Film site:
    a. Skeleton watches the production crew and looks over at the props
    b. Skeleton reviews the script of his rebooted movie and gets annoyed
    c. Movie starts shooting
    d. Skeleton recognizes the similar setting
    e. A guy in a suit gets in the way as Skeleton is about to do his role
    f. Skeleton interferes and gets thrown out
  8. Bar: Skeleton sits with a group of old school movie props and plans revenge
  9. Revenge execution:
    a. Skeleton is almost caught by a guard
    b. T-Rex machine distracts the guard
    c. Paper animation(?) attacks a different guard
    d. Another guard is consumed(?) by sea monster costume
    e. CGI-slime-guy-thing unlocks he door from inside
    f. Skeleton gets inside film building
    g. Skeleton pours gasoline everywhere and tossed a lighter
    h. Skeleton's body starts to melt from the heat
  10. Back at the bar:
    a. Skeleton snaps out of it
    b. Skeleton decides not to go through with his revenge plan
  11. Train station:
    a. Skeleton sits on a bench alone
    b. Skeleton sees the monster from the first audition and waved
  12. Inside train:
    a. Skeleton sees a girl playing with his action figure
    b. Skeleton gets the girl's attention
    c. Girl screams
    d. Skeleton looks at his script and smiled
  13. End credit

Video editing exercise 2: Doritos Ad

Fig 2.1 (Doritos Ad)

01.05.2020 (Week 3)

Video editing exercise 3: Lalin re-shoot

Fig 3.1 (Lalin Re-shoot)

08.05.2020 (Week 4)

Video editing exercise: the add/cut frames tool whatever its called

Fig 4.1 (Shorter Lalin video)

Fig 4.2 (weirdass Soap ad reshoot)

15.05.2020 (Week 5)


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