Video & Sound Production Final Project


17.04.2020 - 17.06.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)
Video & Sound Production
Final Project

17.04.2020 (Week 1)

3 favourite stop motion videos:
  1. Negative Space
  2. Baby Snake Music Video 
  3. Field of Melancholy (Thank you, sir, for sharing this with us. This sht good (uwu)b )

3 PSA topics for Final Project:
  1. Stranger Alert
  2. School violence
  3. Suicide prevention

08.05.2020 (Week 4)

The story is about the danger of school violence. It not only affects the one at the receiving end of the violence, but can also affect the one inflicting the violence in one way or another.
The theme of the story is violence in school

Art direction: paper cut

Act 1:
Once upon a time, there was a bully in school.
Every day he bully the other students.
Until one day the bully went too far.

Act 2:
Because of that he accidentally caused a student to be hospitalized.
Because of that his and the student's parents were called.
Because of that he was suspended.

Act 3:
Until finally while he was walking around the neighborhood during his suspension, a group of people ganged up on him.
And ever since then He knew what its like to feel bullied.

The moral of the story is what goes around, comes around (karma, btch).

29.05.2020 (Week 7)

Revised Plot:
Act 1:
- There was a bully who bullies a student and causes the student to get hospitalized
Act 2:
- The bully isn't bothered by this and continues his twisted hobby
- Until he messed with the wrong kid
Act 3:
- The bully got what he deserved and ended up being hospitalized too

Shot List
Act 1:
  • Scene1 Shot1 - Close up
    - Victim looks ahead
    - Victim is punched
  • Scene1 Shot2 - Medium/Over shoulder(?)
    - Victim falls to the ground
  • Scene1 Shot3 - Medium
    - Bully smirks
  • Scene1 Shot4 - Medium/Over shoulder (same as Shot2)
    - Bully kicks victim
Act 2:
  • Scene2 Shot5 - Medium Close up
    - Bully sees something
  • Scene2 Shot6 - Over shoulder
    - It's the ambulance carrying the victim
  • Scene2 Shot7 - Medium Close up
    - Bully ignores it and continues his walk
  • Scene3 Shot8 - Wide
    - Bully is walking
    - Bully sees a kid sitting on a bench
  • Scene3 Shot9 - Medium
    - Bully smirks
  • Scene3 Shot10 - Over shoulder(?)
    - Bully pushes kid roughly and kid falls
  • Scene3 Shot11 - Medium Wide
    - Bully laughs
    - Kid starts to get up
  • Scene3 Shot12 - Medium Close up
    - Bully continues to laugh when a shadow casts down on him
    - Bully stops laughing when he realized that the kid is bigger than him
Act 3:
  • Scene4 Shot13 - Wide
    - Victim readies to check out of hospital
  • Scene4 Shot14 - Medium
    - Victim notices someone on the other bed
  • Scene4 Shot15 - Over shoulder
    - It's the bully


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