
Showing posts from November, 2020

Character Design

 CHARACTER DESIGN 24.08.2020 - 23.11.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14) Character Design Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576) Task 1 24.08.2020 - 25.08.2020 (Week 1) As the module name suggests, we are to design an original character. The overall theme is SouthEast Asian. It doesn't matter what kind of character it is - human, hybrid, mythical creature - but they need to have the standard humanized proportions; one head, two arms, two legs, one torso.  So right off the bat, the first thing we have to do is World Building. We need to establish in what kind of world our character is living in. Since it's SouthEast Asian themed, I've decided to base my world on Harau Valley, because as I was looking through pictures of SoutEast Asian countries, I stumbled upon this beauty:  Fig 1 (a mountain/hill/big rock/idk in Harau Valley) Bruh this sht pretty. Since it's a valley, my world is nature based.  At first I wanted to make my character a hybrid of Indonesia's national animal, which is

Art Direction

 ART DIRECTION 25. 08.2020 - 24.11.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14) Art Direction Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576) 25. 08.2020 (Week 1) Our lecturer gave us an overview of what we will be doing in this module. So the overall project is to basically redirect or redesign a bad game that somehow has good review. She suggested we look up Steam games as Steam has free games that we can all play and analyze easily. She showed us previous students' works as examples or inspiration for us. This is a group project.  01.09.2020 (Week 2) Last week, our lecturer told us to find out on our own what 'art direction' is, and then we'll do a presentation on our findings and share it with the class.  08.09.2020 (Week 3) Last week we were told to pick a game and sort of analyze it. This is like practice for our actual project. My group and I had chosen the game Sonic: Mania Edition. We presented using Miro this time, instead of making actual slides, because we. Were. Lazy. The presentation: