Character Design


24.08.2020 - 23.11.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Character Design
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)

Task 1

24.08.2020 - 25.08.2020 (Week 1)
As the module name suggests, we are to design an original character. The overall theme is SouthEast Asian. It doesn't matter what kind of character it is - human, hybrid, mythical creature - but they need to have the standard humanized proportions; one head, two arms, two legs, one torso. 
So right off the bat, the first thing we have to do is World Building. We need to establish in what kind of world our character is living in. Since it's SouthEast Asian themed, I've decided to base my world on Harau Valley, because as I was looking through pictures of SoutEast Asian countries, I stumbled upon this beauty: 

Fig 1 (a mountain/hill/big rock/idk in Harau Valley)

Bruh this sht pretty. Since it's a valley, my world is nature based. 
At first I wanted to make my character a hybrid of Indonesia's national animal, which is the komodo dragon but then I found out about this thing: 
Fig 2 (Sumateran Serow)

Man it looks so demonic I can't pass it up. ('Demonic' as in the kind of thing westerners would symbolize Satan as. Y'all know how they say goats are the representation of the Devil, right) Also, it's Sumateran and Harau Valley is in the west Sumatera so. And since I'm already talking about this 'demon' thing, I thought it'd be a good idea to make my world dystopian-like. 

31.08.2020 - 15.09.2020 (Week 2 - Week 4)
It is time to design the character. Man I am excited. I like making characters. 
For this particular task, we're going to design the outfit. This I'm not very excited about. My other original characters usually wear clothes that I own in real life (because I'm not creative and most of my ocs are regular people). We have to come up with 10 designs, too. Aight, imma head out.
Fig 3 (Outfit Thumbnail)

Personally I kinda like number 1, but it does look a bit heavy. So I asked a few of my friends and most of them like number 3 and 8. My lecturer likes number 7 and 8 and suggested that I try to combine them, but it turned out looking thot-y (I made it a virgin killer sweater. 'Haram style', as my friend called it). In the end I took the top of number 3 and the lower part of number 8/10 (with a bit of alteration) and finished my final default outfit design. 
Fig 4 (Turnaround of Default Outfit)

I initially wanted to name my character Emssy (pronounced MC as in main character). It'll be like a wordplay, kinda, since he's obviously the main character of this whole thing (and also because I suck at naming). 
But nah, my lect didn't like it. Tbh if I didn't tell her Emssy is MC maybe she wouldn't reject it. It's kinda unique, right? You don't hear that name very often.
So in the end I changed it into "Wores Bovid" because Covid is getting Worse and we have to be aware of this. JK, it's cuz this character is a hybrid of a serow and the scientific name of the family is "bovidae." "Wores" is just "serow" backwards. That's about the most creative I can be. 

Task 2

21.09.2020 - 13.10.2020 (Week 5 - Week 8)
Now that the character's overall look is confirmed, time to establish a personality. I pretty much already indicate Wores's personality in the first task, but now we get to draw his face :D But I also have to draw full body poses so that's not fun. My sense of body proportion is nonexistent. But here goes nothing.
Fig 5 (10 Poses Sketch)

Here are some (not very)helpful notes:
1. Standing
2. Walking
3. Concerned thinking/Deep in thought
4. Sitting cross-legged (enthusiastic about something)
5. Idk I ran out of idea
6. Regretting life
7. Sitting
8. On guard/Shook
9. Running
10. Squatting

Notice how there are 5 sitting and 5 standing? And 5 with hood on and 5 with hood down? Balanced.
Now to draw the expression. To do this, we need the head, meaning we need to determine his hairstyle. In Task 1 Compilation I've drawn an early concept of Wores with slicked back hair and an undercut. I would've just kept the hairstyle if I didn't already have a character with that exact hairstyle. 
Now, ever since Banjou Ryuga, I have developed a kink liking to men with braids, so I have already decided that Wores MUST have braids in his hair. 
Fig 6 (My Man, Banjou)

And so I thought hard. What kind of hair would I give my newborn baby? He has horns, therefor his forehead has to be exposed. Sumateran serows has that mane on their back, so I guess I'll want to add something like a mullet (but maybe less wack). 
And then it struck me. The perfect hairstyle. The hairstyle that isn't really special, but fulfills my preconditions. 
Fig 7 (Wores's Hairstyle)
(The dots are his braids)

Why this hairstyle, you ask? Why colored this way? Well. Let me tell you. It's because
Fig 8 (Stan ATEEZ for better life)
Fig 9 (Hairstyle References)

I have to make it clear that despite what you're seeing, I'm not a k-pop stan ha ha ha ha h. Butt anyway.

Figs 10-11 (Expressions)

Requirement was 10 expressions but I got carried away. I guess I kinda had fun doing it. Plus, there are different levels of each expressions and I just had to draw them all. My lecturer advised us to also draw expressions according to the 10 poses we came up with. 
Fig 12 (Expressions based on Poses)

And now we move on to more outfit designs ahhahhahhahh :'D I already made like 10 before, so can't I just reuse those? :') Cuz tbh I designed the 10 clothes with the thought of Wores wearing them on different occasions. So. Can't I? :'') 
Alas. I had to design new ones. At least this time it's only 5. My lecturer suggested something like hoodie and jeans so I guess I'll do that. Though Wores is already wearing a hoodie. Maybe I'll try to 'modernize' it a bit.
Fig 13 (Outfit Variations)

Look at me doing the bare minimum. Casual default is basically default but without the cloak and bag/pouches. But at least now y'all know the color of his clothes :) I made them red cuz, y'know, "everything is red because why not" (reference to Task 1's world building). Also because the Indonesian flag is red and white in color. Also, I decided to keep his hand socks and his sleeveless-ness on each outfits to make that his trademark look.
And might I point out that the ceremonial outfit took me about 3 days to finish cuz I hated drawing it so much (I wanted it to be kinda fancy but I'm not good with fancy) that I just kept postponing (plus the uncolored version hurts my eyes). 
HOWEVER. My lecturer told me to do a turnaround for the ceremonial outfit. I- Where's my knife? I need an excuse to not do this.
Fig 14 (Ceremonial Outfit Turnaround)

Task 3

19.10.2020 - 10.11.2020 (Week 9 - Week 12)
The final task, here we go. Hm, let's see. What do we have to do? 
Hero Pose: Ultimate Move

hm. well. ok.

So we have to come up with a pose that would best describe who and what kind of person our character is. In Wores's case, he's just a guy who just happens to be a serow hybrid, so his hero pose should be... bruh i dont know. We can draw our character either in their default outfit or their mod outfit. 

Assignment: *Create an OC*
Classmates' OCs: *A fighter/warrior/magic user*
Mine: *A guy*
Lect, to me: This is the first time in this module a student propose a regular guy as their oc. I'm interested to see what his hero pose would be.

Classmates' oc poses: Dynamic, Strong, Powerful

Fig 15 (Hero Pose)

Somewhere along the creation of Wores's personality, he has gone from laidback and sometimes playful to constantly tired and regrets everything.


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