Art Direction


25. 08.2020 - 24.11.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Art Direction
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)

25. 08.2020 (Week 1)
Our lecturer gave us an overview of what we will be doing in this module. So the overall project is to basically redirect or redesign a bad game that somehow has good review. She suggested we look up Steam games as Steam has free games that we can all play and analyze easily. She showed us previous students' works as examples or inspiration for us. This is a group project. 

01.09.2020 (Week 2)
Last week, our lecturer told us to find out on our own what 'art direction' is, and then we'll do a presentation on our findings and share it with the class. 

08.09.2020 (Week 3)
Last week we were told to pick a game and sort of analyze it. This is like practice for our actual project. My group and I had chosen the game Sonic: Mania Edition. We presented using Miro this time, instead of making actual slides, because we. Were. Lazy.
We chose this game to analyze because as we all know, Sonic has been rebooted so many times, therefore had been redirected a lot of times. This version is a 'redesign' of the first few Sonic games - meaning, it's new, but it kept the old-school look and controls. We decided it's a good way to point out how this game change the art direction to make it fresh while still maintaining the retro feel. 

15.09.2020 (Week 4)
Last week, we officially got started on the project. We had to choose a game we want to redesign and point out what was bad about it. My group chose to try and 'fix' this game called "Knights and Dungeons." Apparently it had a high rating but good god the visuals. 
(My groupmate actually did a short live where he played the game and ngl I kinda dig the bg music)

22.09.2020 (Week 5)
It is time to finalize our proposal. Tbh I think our proposal presentation didn't go very well. I was so out of it. During the whole of last week I didn't help out much with the proposal. We presented in Miro again this time.

Project Progression

I am in charge or redesigning the characters/monsters. There are 30 monsters, and I thought we had to redesign them all, but apparently we only have to do 5-10 (thank god).
Fig 1 (OG Monster Design)

I decided to do half of the monsters cuz I've already finished sketching the new designs before I knew we didn't have to do all. Tbh after having looked at these so much, I kinda feel soft for them now. They kinda cute :P especially Skull (middle row, in the middle).
Fig 2 (Redesign Sketch)

Anyway. I decided to go for the cute/cool route, because why not. It's not wrong, right? As my groupmate put it, "the players won't have the heart to kill the cute monsters, so the monsters kill them instead." As a result, 
> Level 1's Rat ended up looking like a mouse instead
> Level 3's Werewolf just looks like a doggo wearing a shirt
> Level 5's Bandit ended up being a ninja
> Level 8's Skull becomes a butcher of some sort (I had this butcher/slasher kinda character in mind while redesigning him)
> Level 14's Birdman is a harpy now
Also, Level 9's name is Bull? But he's standing on two legs?? So I'm guessing it's supposed to be a Minotaur. 
Figs 3-17 (Final Redesigns of Dungeon Monsters)

Hello I am here again to say I LOVE MY HARPY BOI πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’œπŸ’œ I'm claiming him. 
I have decided to keep the color scheme to some extent. I made a Standby, Attack, and Dead version of the monsters because in the original, there are Standby and Attack versions. The only way we know we've won a battle is when the words "VICTORY" (I think it says "victory", idk I don't remember and I couldn't be bothered to run that game again) appear on screen. Some designs may look a bit different from the initial sketch because, well, I decided so.
Tbh this feels like a "draw this in your style" kinda thing, but I ain't complaining. 

And so, my job is done. 

Now let's take a look at what my groupmates have done! :D
One of them is in charge of redesigning the landscape.

Fig 18 (Town Landscape)

Fig 19 (Dungeon Landscape)

My other groupmate is in charge of redesigning the UI/UX interface. As you can see in the 'Before' dungeon, the interface isn't very nice. Also, there are unnecessary icons. We don't use mana in the game and to this day I have no idea what the "Player at: / Enemy at:" function is. It doesn't affect the gameplay at all. 
This is what she's done:
Fig 20 (Interface Redesign)

After that, we combined them (Monsters, Landscape, Interface) into the dungeon landscape to imitate the gameplay. 
Figs 21-23 (FramebyFrame Gameplay)

Figs 24-26 (Gameplay GIFs)

My groupmate suggested that I add a cursor to the gameplay. I also decided to change the attack button's color to indicate that the player clicked on it. 

We also decided that we should redesign the logo/title screen because yo, it's crude. 
Fig 27 (Logo Redesign)

Final Presentation


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