Minor Project


01.04.2021 (Week 1) - 13.07.2021 (Week 16)
Minor Project
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri (0335576)

Our task is to design a product that can be used for water rescue. 


(To be filled after the empathy stage has been completed) 

  • Product still needs further prototyping to ensure balance and usability.

  • Cost of production is still not estimated.

  • Would users show interest in buying the product?



What will we work to produce?

  1. A product that will aid victims of flash flood

What constraints will we need to manage?

  1. Time zone differences

  2. Minor language barrier

What measures and indicators will help us know our ideas are successful?

  1. Product created is able to aid the victims

  2. Audiences would use our products with ease

  3. Materials to make product are not scarce/ expensive



[Write up a short “brief” that clarifies the challenge you’d like to address. Write it as if you were handing it to someone else to design with. Capture thoughts on why this is a problem and what the opportunity for design will be for your group]

  • To create a product that will aid children, eldery and disabled people in the events of a flood. Based on the secondary data collected, citizens within the mentioned categories are in need of help during the events of flood. We have identified that mosquitos (Malaysia) and cold temperatures (Czech Republic) are the secondary life hazards that we feel need to be implemented into the current water rescue products. These products should be easy to use and able to keep the mentioned group of people dry and safe.



[Capture all the assumptions and questions]          

What do we know in general?

  1. Victims of flash floods lose their homes

  2. Childrens and elderly citizens have a higher risk in flash floods

  3. Handicapped citizens may face difficulties in saving themselves


What do we believe we already know about this challenge?

  1. Disabled people will have a hard time in saving themselves during the events of a flash flood

What would we like to learn more about? (details about the system, customer journey)

  1. How do disabled people use current water rescue products on their own?

  2. Are the current water rescue products easy to use?



[Who will you be designing for? Consider the core audience and extended audience]    

Core Audience :

Children, Elderly and Handicapped citizens (Disabled people)

Extended Audience:

General Public



"Empathy is at the heart of design. Without the understanding of what others see, feel, and experience, design is a pointless task." Tim Brown, IDEO

Who should we talk to: [Who specifically do we want to talk to and learn from? Create detailed descriptions for at least 3 different users or sources of inspiration. Be sure to cover a variety of gender, experience, ethnicity, etc.]

  1. Persona 1: Children 

  2. Persona 2: Handicapped Citizens &Elderly

  3. Persona 3: General Public (Adults)

Build a Question Guide: OBSERVING

[What are we looking to learn in this observation? Capture themes and questions that we want to make sure we get to in the site visit!]

MAKE SURE TO SEE: [What are some things you want to make sure you observe while you are visiting this place?]

  1. The living conditions of the flood victims

  2. Damages left by the floods

  3. How do civilians salvage their belongings  and protect themselves from the floods

MAKE SURE TO DO: [What are some things you can do to gain inspiration in this place?]

  1. Identify the problems faced by the victims

  2. Do the rescue team have sufficient equipments to help the flood victims

  3. Identify other possible factors that might not be explored during the events of flood.


What was seen?

What is interpreted

  1. Flood water is very dirty

  2. Strong currents

  3. Flood water level is usually below the knee level for adults

  4. There were no food shortages 

  5. There is shelter provided for flood victims

  6. Property and furniture were damaged during the flood

  1. People might get infections if they do not clean themselves 

  2. Children and sometimes adults might get washed away during a flood

  3. Children and toddlers might not be safe during these water levels

  4. Food is not an issue when victims are affected by the flood

  5. Victims have a temporary place to stay until the flood subsides

  6. Some victims might have to do a thorough cleaning and replace damaged goods in their home.




[user + need + interesting learning = POV/Problem Statement]    

Activity #1: Referring to observation interpretations, use keywords or a sentence to represent each point on sticky notes. Use only one sticky note per point or thought and paste all of it on the wall. Eliminate duplicates while looking for similar themes, patterns and connections. Cluster similar notes and create new labels or headings for the clusters.



Health Hazards

People might get infections if they do not clean themselves 

Dangerous Water Currents

Children and sometimes adults might get washed away during a flood

Dangerous Water Level

Children and toddlers might drown during these water levels

No Food Shortage

Food is not an issue when victims are affected by the flood

Temporary Accommodation 

Victims have a temporary place to stay until the flood subsides


Some victims might have to do a thorough cleaning for their homes

Restoration / Reconstruction

Victims with property damage have to spend money to repair the damages and replace damaged goods

CREATE THE POINT OF VIEW (POV) STATEMENT [user + need + interesting learning = POV]

Who is the user/audience/persona?

  • Civilians, Children

Jeremy is a 8 year old kid who needs adult supervision

What is the deep, unmet need?

  • Floatation devices are not commonly available in residential and rural areas.

He needs to protect himself in the event of a flash flood.

What is interesting learning or discovery?

  • Some types of flood can sweep children away if the current is strong enough.

So that he would not risk losing his life being swept away by the flood.

THE POV: Caroline is a 26-year-old single mom who loves sci-fi movies. She needs a way to access new and entertaining content in a way that allows her to consume it at her own pace, while making her feel excited about discovering new shows to share with her friends.  


TA + Needs + Insights

Civilians, particularly children, need a way to protect themselves and keep themselves dry from the flood, so that they will not be swept away by strong currents or catch a disease from dirty stagnant water.

From the POV Problem Statement, create a few ‘How might we?’ topics for the Ideation Stage


[The reality check on value, needs, challenges, barriers]

Defer Judgement, Encourage Wild Ideas, Build on the ideas of others, Stay focused on topic, One conversation at a time, Be visual, Go for quantity!         

For each of the ‘How might we?’ topics, brainstorm for the potential solution and list it down.

  1. How might we…….?

  • Create a product to keep them afloat

  1. How might we……………...?

  • Create a product to salvage belongings

  1. How might we …………….?

  • Create a raft that can join with other rafts

From the list above, conduct a reality check.

 The Reality Check.

Values for the target audience:

An affordable, easy to use floatation device to protect children during the events of a flood.

What needs are addressed:

  • Protect children from being swept away by flood currents

  • Keeping children dry and stay afloat

Challenges faced:

  1. How much weight can the product actually withstand before it sinks?

  2. What materials can be used to make the product without it being expensive?

Barriers that opposes:

  1. It is a beneficial product that children can use

  2. It is small in size, thus it can be kept at home or in a car



[Create concept descriptions for the ideas that would be prototyped]       

Concept name:


Visual references and draft visuals:

How does it work?

A cataran shaped floatation device which also acts as a mini storage unit. These floatation devices can connect with each other to form a community of rafts which can keep children dry and safe while also storing some valuable belongings or essential needs for babies and toddlers. These floatation devices are easy to inflate as they use compressed air gas to inflate, thus even children are able to use them with ease. Furthermore, adults can join the devices and pull them to a safer location after securing the floatation devices. Lastly, these devices have a built-in mosquito net as per request by the Malaysian students who identified mosquitos being a health hazard as mosquitoes would be active after a rain/ flood. Thus, this could protect the toddlers and children from being bitten by the insect and would not catch any diseases such as Dengue fever. 

One-sentence concept description:

A cataran shaped floatation device which has the ability to connect with other Catabox so that it is easier to keep the children and toddlers dry and safe from the flood.

Who does it involve, both in building and in using it?

Researchers: Identifying the problem and collecting data of what flood victims actually need
Designers: Design the overall visual aesthetic and function of the product

Building/ Production: Produce the product 

Users: Civilians and children

What do we hope to learn more about through prototyping this idea?

  1. How it is able to aid in real life situations

  2. How much weight it will support before it sinks

  3. How this product is beneficial to its users


(Initial ideas)







Final Presentation


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