Major Project


29.03.2022 - 28.06.2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri 


29.03.2022 (Week 1)

Method Options:
  1. Based on previous dissertation paper
  2. Find a client to work with
  3. Choose one UN SDG and make a project for the cause

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
            - Health and Population

Main idea:
- Create a comic/graphic novel about the pandemic.
- Short comics that compile into one graphic novel and ultimately tells one story.
- Covid is a real thing, and making comics is the only thing I do best.

There's been an outbreak (but let's not name it Covid-19), and a doctor has to find a cure to fight off the virus, but the virus keeps evolving each time a cure is found (much like the dreaded Covid variants), so the doctor has to do better.

05.04.2022 (Week 2)

  • A-okay for the comic route.
  • Come up with a solid script so I won't flail around when it's time to start on the project.
  • Settle on a style for the comic.

Overall Plot:
Apocalypse is near. Plague/Pestilence, War/Destruction, and Famine came into existence and spread chaos all over the planet, bringing forth the final horseman of the apocalypse, Death.
The story focuses on the damage that Plague/Pestilence has done, and a renowned doctor does everything in their power to find a cure for the disease. However, each time the doctor finds a cure, the virus would evolve, prompting the doctor to find a way to permanently eliminate Plague, or at least stop it for a good while until humanity is once again stable.  

Main Characters:
- Plague/Pestilence: Creates zombie-like creatures called Vyruses that endangers humankind
Doctor: A doctor/hero who fights off the Vyruses

Secondary Characters:
- Nurse: Helps the doctor find cures to stop the Vyruses
Vyruses: Creatures created by Plague and are a menace to humanity
War/Destruction: Creating conflicts amongst people so they fight each other
Famine: Making sure one portion of Earth is starving
Death: Chilling

Things to consider:
- Character design
- Costume design
- Art style
- Color (black n white / full color / monochrome)
- Evolutions of the Vyruses
- How to bs the science

12.04.2022 (Week 3)

  • Think of the final output; whether it's comic-styled, webtoon, etc
    > take into the consideration of how it'd look on a screen
  • The story doesn't have to be properly finished
    > can end in a cliffhanger
    >>> but story must be solid enough that it can be picked up after
  • My artstyle is simple, so it'd be more interesting if there's a sense of contrast
    > e.g. more detailed bg
  • Find relevant visuals for next week

As instructed, I looked up some references of manga/comics with contrasting art/visuals. I also looked up styles I'd like to incorporate in my comic.

(Week 4)

HAHAHHAHHHAHAH bye feedback. My connection was so bad that we couldn't even communicate.

Anyways, I started designing the characters.

26.04.2022 (Week 5)

  • Normie characters are fine.
  • Plague looks too good-looking. He needs to be more disgusting since he is the embodiment of a disease.
    > Look at some Elden Ring creatures. 
  • Hero suit can be polished more. Needs to have an element that shows heroism.
    > Look at Trevor Bellmont (Castlevania).
  • Consider making an environmental design.
    > An important/recurring place.
    >> A lab, perhaps.
    >>> Take inspiration from Doctor Romani's lab (Fate/Grand Order).

20. 05.2022 (Week 8)

Yes, I took a long break without showing anyone my progress. Honestly, I haven't done much. But here's a recap of what I've prepared for the comic.

  • Work on the colors.
  • Draft out the story
  • Plan the pages
  • Juts prepare sketches, no need to finalize it yet.

(Week 11)

And lo, I've finished sketching for the 1st chapter. 

(Week 13)

  • Work on the chapter (polish it)
  • Make the remaining conceptual designs into an artbook
    > There isn't time to do the other chapters


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