UX Design


06.04.2023 - 06.07.2023 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri
UX Design

06.04.2023 (Week 1)
Introduction to module.

13.04.2023 (Week 2)
Today we got an introduction to Good vs Bad UX Designs and then we did our first Task.

Task 1:
Go to one of the retail shop on campus and look for good/bad UX designs and do a presentation on our findings.

Fig 1 - Family Mart UX Design

20.04.2023 (Week 3)
Today was online class because Raya.

Exercise 1: Write an introduction to user experience (UX) and its importance in the design and development of digital products and services. 

    User experience is how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. The UX designer is responsible for making an analysis of the client and its competition in the social environment, planning the product and analyzing the interaction. In this way, the UX designer is tasked with improving the product so that the user can interact intuitively.
    UX design is the key to digital projects and business success. Ensuring users can easily interact with your products or services pays off in multiple ways! From increased customer satisfaction, revenue growth, and brand loyalty – optimizing user experience unlocks all sorts of rewards that drive a company's success.
    There are several key elements of UX, and sometimes they vary, but the general key elements of UX are 1) usefulness - the purpose and benefits of the product towards the user, 2) learnability - it should be easy for users to learn to use the product even when they’re interacting with it for the first time, 3) memorability - users should be able to easily re-establish proficiency of the design even after having not interacted with it for a period of time, 4) effectiveness - the product should be regularly tested against certain goals set for it to make sure it works, 5) efficiency - getting the job done with a reasonable amount of time and effort, 6) desirability - the product should cater to the users’ needs so they would want to use it, and 7) enjoyability - excites the users when they use the product.
    There are several examples of successful digital products and services that prioritizes UX. Some of them are 1) Airbnb's booking system - the system is designed to display only the necessary information, with users given helpful previews of all inputted data before committing. In addition, one clear call to action indicates that nothing is final until the booking is approved, putting the user at ease. 2) Grammarly’s demo document - its onboarding process explains each of its features in an intuitive, step-by-step way, allowing novice users to get onboarded and start using the app immediately. 3) Semrush’s light-to-dark mode toggle - the website provides a rare example of dark mode in websites, with a toggle that allows users to browse the site in light or dark mode depending on their needs.
    Common UX challenges include, but not limited to, 1) conducting research under time and budget constraints. When faced with time and budget constraints, it’s important to remember that some research is better than none — even if it’s not as thorough as you’d like. 2) Deciding which problem to solve. Take the time to define your problem statement. 3) Bridging the gap between design and development. The best way to avoid discord between design and development is to communicate early and often.
(470 words)

27.04.2023 (Week 4)
Today we did a little interview exercise. We went around campus and interviewed at least 2 people, asking about Vortex Lab.

Everyone we interviewed had zero idea what Vortex Lab even is.

There really isn't much we could ask after that, so we just explained to them what Vortex Lab is and asked how to make this facility more known and if they'd use it now that they know of its existence.

Fig 2 - Interviewee Responses (Miro Board)

04.05.2023 (Week 5)
It's Wesak Day.

11.05.2023 (Week 6)
It's not the day we do the interview yet, but we did do a little preparation for that day.

List of things done today:
- A segmentation of our previous interviewees
- Came up with interview questions to be asked to the interviewees soon
- A user map and empathy map to better understand our user's needs and to refer back when we start designing the UX design

Fig 3.1 - Previous Interviewees Segmentation (Miro Board)

Fig 3.2 - Interview Questions (Miro Board)

Fig 3.3 - Target User / Empathy Map Template (Miro Board)

18.05.2023 (Week 7)
We worked a little bit more on the interview questions and made a few changes.

Fig 4 - Improved Interview Questions (Miro Board)

We had the interview with Mr Faisal and I guess it went well? Also, apparently we are being marked for our questions :') 

25.05.2023 - 22.06.2023 (Week 8 - Week 12)
Aight, so. Recap: The main project is to create a wayfinding system for the Vortex XR Lab facility. There are 3 submissions for the project:
I. A survey questionnaire
II. A proposal slide
III. A proposal video

I) Survey Questions
We were asked to create a survey questionnaire regarding the Vortex XR Lab's wayfinding system. In this questionnaire, we come up with statements about the wayfinding system and have the respondents rate each statements on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree."

1. The Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system is user-friendly.
2. I understand how to use the Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system.
3. The Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system is simple and easy to understand.
4. It's easy to identify the Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system.
5. The Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system is fun to use.
6. I seldom have problems when using the Vortex XR Lab  wayfinding system.
7. I would recommend the Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system  to others.
8. How do you think the Vortex XR Lab wayfinding system can be improved?

I didn't actually get to gather responses for this survey because I completed this way after the deadline.

II) Wayfinding Prototype Slide

Fig 5.1 - Wayfinding Presentation Slide

I am aware that my proposal idea isn't the most unique or interesting. It's probably the one idea everyone has when they first heard of the problem. I couldn't for the love of me come up with anything better so this is what we get. In retrospect, I could've at least added some fun elements to make it, y'know, not as bland. But again, it was past deadline and I would fail if I didn't submit anything. (I could still fail with the quality of my end result, tbh, but at least I tried)

III) Wayfinding Prototype Video
I literally just turned my presentation slide into video form.  

Fig 5.2 - Video Presentation

I wasn't sure how everyone else did theirs, so I didn't know what really is the acceptable approach to do this video. But this is what I managed to put together, and I guess it's something than nothing. 


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