Vehicle and Props Design: Exercise


04.04.2023 - 04.07.2023 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Maisarah bt Muhd Zamri
Vehicle and Props Design

04.04.2023 (Week 1)
Introduction to module.

Exercise: deconstruct different types of vehicle.

Fig 1.1 (Air Vehicles)

Fig 1.2 (Land Vehicles)

Fig 1.3 (Water Vehicle)
  • Broke down 3 types of vehicles using big basic shapes to understand the form of the vehicles.
  • I realize that they are usually separated into three parts:
    • The front - where the engine is
    • The body/middle - where the passenger sits
    • The back - sometime for storage

11.04.2023 (Week 2)
Exercise: car perspective, object perspective

Fig 2.1 (Vehicle Perspective)
  • I actually used Blender to help me with the perspective drawing.
  • I know how perspective works, but I admit I have trouble translating it onto canvas.

Fig 2.2 (Object Perspective - Trophy)
  • We were told to pick any object that isn't too complex but not too simple and draw it in 3 to 6 different angles.
  • The trophy is basically a combination of several basic shapes, so I managed to do 6 angles.
  • I have to admit, I did omit some of the more intricate details on the trophy, but we're only looking at the overall shape here, right? (;^ω^)

18.04.2023 (Week 3)
Studying StarWars (or other IPs) vehicles.

Exercise: 15 silhouette (3 classes, 5 variant each). Choose 1-3 to line.

Fig 3.1 (Air Vehicle Silhouette)

Fig 3.2 (Silhouette 15 - Rough Design)

  • Okay, I know I haven't captured the essence of StarWars, but I really did try.
  • Again, I rea----lly struggled with perspective, but I managed to draw it fine here.
  • However, lecturer did tell us to show reference for where we get inspirations from in order to understand what exactly that we have extracted from the IPs to create what we created.
Sidenote: As I was sketching this, I realized that the ship looks a little like a platypus lol. 

25.04.2023 (Week 4)
No real exercise assignment but do sketching exercises while simultaneously finalizing the moodboard.

Fig 4 (Moodboard)
  • I thought to choose Ghibli films for the IP that I will be referencing because I really like Ghibli films.
  • I also wanted to try and design a vehicle that belongs in a somewhat dystopian world, and Ghibli is famous for its beautiful post-post-apocalyptic world building (Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, etc). 
  • I do need to define more on what I want to extract from this artstyle and properly highlight them in the moodboard. 


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